Pri pouku ITS angleščina smo se poleg pisnih sestavkov odločili izdelati tudi krajše videoposnetke. Za svoj videoposnetek sem si izbrala preprost recept za izdelavo ameriških Chocolate Chip Cookies, ki jih lahko pripravite sami...

The moral

THE MORAL COMPASS OF MY GENERATION In my opinion, the two most important values are honesty and respect because nowadays these are the ones people of my generation value the most. The reason why I chose honesty is quite simple. One cannot lie and cheat forever sa the...

Report on: Excursion

The purpose of this report is to summarize and assess students’ excursion to Celje and Ljubljana in September 2022. 54 students of High School Jesenice participated in a field trip where they visited Techno Park and Jakopič Gallery. Techno Park Celje: Our first visit...