Avtor: Matevž Štenkler


The aim of this report is to summarize and review the reception of graduates of Gimnazija Jesenice, which took place in the afternoon of the September 21 in the gymnasium of Gimnazija Jesenice. The data is based on personal experience.


The reception was attended by very few graduates, their family members and most professors. The mayors from the graduates’ municipalities were also invited; however, some of them were unable to participate in the event.


It consisted of multiple acts lead by students, including acting and singing performances, and playing musical instruments, the award ceremony, and the afterparty. Some attendants found the event uninteresting as it included long speeches by the principal, the mayor, and some professors.


All in all, the majority of attendants enjoyed the event, which was held in the afternoon, so everybody would be able to attend. It was immature of the students, and unfortunate some mayors were also unable to attend. For the mayors, it would have been better not to invite them if they did not have the intention to come. I would recommend to organize the ceremony at an earlier time and shortening the ceremony.


Matevž Štenkler